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NURS 520: Quantitative Methods in Nursing Research

Research Guide for students enrolled in NURS 520.

What You See - What it Means

One aspect of research that can be frustrating is finding full text, that is, finding the complete article when you have the citation and abstract. The SU Library has thousands of full-text articles in databases and thorough searching should yield plenty of articles available to you immediately. 

Oftentimes, students request articles through interlibrary loan for articles that are available full text either in the databases or by doing a Google search. Follow the steps below to make sure you aren't needlessly usng interlibrary loan and waiting for an article that is part of our collections. Also, make sure the article passes your criteria for inclusion in your literature review. Articles that are not in English, are old, or very short (look at the number of pages) probably shouldn't be included in your review. Read the description of the article closely. Be aware that some journals are not available widely and we may unable to get everything you request. 

PDF Full Text opens in a new window. It is a scanned copy of the article, so it will appear as it was published, including images and graphical materials.


HTML Full Text  will follow the bibliographic information and other article details when you click the article title. These rarely include any illustrations.


A Database Name indicates you can click the link and the article will open in a different database. It works most of the time but isn't foolproof.


Retrieve Catalog Item opens the item's record in our library catalog. There may be a link to an ebook or streaming video, or there may be a location and a call number for a physical item.

No Full Text? What Now?

Here are your options!

Find a Journal button on top bar in databases At the top of each OneSearch page, you'll see the Find a Journal link. Click it and search for the journal title (not the article title) to see if SU has access. If there is a link to the journal in the correct date range, click there and see if you can find it.


The "Request through interlibrary loan" link generates a request for this itemInterlibrary Loan can be used to order articles or books that are not available to you through the SU library. There is no cost to the user. When you click the link, you will need to log in with your SUOne account.


Green AskUs talk bubble icon used for contacting a librarianAskUs is available on virtually all of our library website's pages. You can chat, email or text a Stevenson librarian for help. Tell us what item you are looking for (be as precise as possible), and we'll advise you what to do.