OneSearch is a library search tool that looks in several (although not all) of our library databases, as well as our catalog. OneSearch is multidisciplinary, meaning that if you search there, you will usually find many results from different fields and disciplines, including quantitative nursing research:
OneSearch is a good tool for getting a general sense of what's been published on a particular topic. However, students in graduate-level courses usually prefer to search for information in a one or more individual databases. It may sound counterintuitive, but it can actually be easier to search one subject-specific database at a time because you know you'll get research that's related to your program or discipline.
Databases like the ones below contain both primary and secondary research. Primary research articles, what should form the bulk of your literature review, should have these parts: introduction, hypothesis, literature review, research design, methodology, results and findings, conclusion. Quantitative articles are recognized by statistical analyses of results.
Using the keywords you've identified from your topic sentence, search for articles in several databases. Databases will have different interfaces, different vocabulary, different content. They do have many things in common, too. They usually have a way to save articles (very useful for subsequent visits), refine searches, conduct subject searching and limit to full text.
Learn advanced search techniques like Boolean searching and truncation by watching the video below.
Contains research and scholarly information in the fields of nursing and allied health. Additional resources include evidence-based care sheets, quick lessons, and continuing education modules.
A nursing research platform providing journals, e-books, and databases. Limited to one SU user at a time.
The Ovid subscription allows for one user at a time. If you are unable to access the Ovid database, please try again later.
Contains more than 37 million citations and abstracts of biomedical literature. Full-text articles are often available as links to other sources, such as the publisher's website or PubMed Central (PMC).
Includes more than 31 million references to journal articles in life sciences, with a concentration on biomedicine.
A comprehensive database for research in psychology, behavioral sciences and mental health. Includes dissertations, book chapters, technical reports and other documents.
Includes full-text, peer-reviewed journals covering sociology and it's sub-disciplines, as well as other closely related areas of study.
A comprehensive, full text database covering all areas of business research. Includes detailed company information, industry reports, market research, and SWOT analyses.
Only one simultaneous user at a time for each title. If you are unable to access the R2 Digital Library, please try again later.