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NURS 520: Quantitative Methods in Nursing Research

This guide contains instructions, search tips and tutorials to guide your study of quantitative research.

Search Strategy

Once you have established the topic of your literature review, you might want to jump into the databases immediately and start collecting articles. Having a search strategy will help you get the most from searching databases and save you time.

  •     Using your topic sentence, put the topic in the form of a question.
  •     Identify key words and phrases related to your topic.
  •     Consider what subject areas might have relevant articles in addition to nursing.

Recognizing Quantitative Research

Your literature review should contain some quantitative research articles.  The word "quantitative" may not appear in the text of the article, so it up to you to analyze the study design and methods sections to determine what type of article it is.

Journal articles often consist of an abstract (a synopsis of the study) and four major sections that often follow the IMRAD format: an Introduction (the research problem and its context); Method section (the strategies used to answer research questions); Results (study findings); and Discussion (interpretation of the findings). (Essentials of Nursing Research)

Quantitative research can include experimental tests, drug trials, intervention and treatment studies, and other studies where data can be gathered and quantified. When searching for a quantitative article look for:

  •     Statistics
  •     Charts and Graphs
  •     Design, Methods, Results, Discussion, or Conclusion sections