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About the Library

The Philip A. Zaffere Library at Owings Mills North is a vital part of Stevenson University life. The Library staff is committed to assisting students and faculty with their research, teaching, and learning needs. The Library provides access to online and physical resources, carefully selected to meet the needs of the curriculum.


About the Library

The Library is located on the Owings Mills North campus.  Our mailing address is 11205 Ted Herget Way, Owings Mills, MD 21117.  For directions via GPS, you may need to use the address 11205 Gundry Lane, Owings Mills, MD 21117.

The Library offers a number of collections and physical services, including:

  • A 27,000-volume circulating collection, including books and board games
  • Over 3,000 films on DVD and Blu-ray
  • Noncirculating collections, including print journals and newspapers, reference, and reserves
  • Circulating laptops, projectors, and other equipment
  • Group and quiet study spaces
  • Five study rooms that can be reserve in advance
  • An instruction room that can be used by both Library and general faculty and staff
  • Archives storage and workroom
  • Meeting and work space for the Zirkin Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, as well as the offices of the Learning Technologies and Instructional Design department

In addition, our online offerings include more than 80 databases, which provide scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, e-books, and reference resources.

The Library building is one story and can be accessed without needing to walk up stairs or use an elevator.  General parking is available in the visitor lot south of the Manning Academic Center, a short walk away.  There is one handicapped parking space outside the Library.

The Library's hours are listed on our calendar.


About Philip A. Zaffere

The Zaffere Library is named for Philip A. Zaffere, who was born in Federalsburg, Maryland in 1930 and took over operations of his family’s bakery business during his college years. An outside-of-the-box thinker, Zaffere engineered food production methods and technologies that eventually took his family’s small company to a national level. He developed successful formulas for the mass production of baking crumbs and transformed his family’s company into Shoreman Food Technologies. Under Zaffere’s leadership, Shoreman—which was ultimately sold to the PET Food Corporation in 1988—became the main supplier for nationwide brands such as Stove Top Stuffing and Mrs. Paul’s frozen foods. While the needs of his family’s business interrupted his own college studies, Zaffere maintained a deep and lifelong curiosity for the sciences and engineering as well as a commitment to supporting education and his community. He passed away in January 2016.

The Zaffere Library began development in 2017 and opened on March 18, 2024.