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Connecting to Library Resources from Off Campus: Home

Accessing Resources with your SU Username and Password

Use your SU single sign-on username and password to login to library databases and services including:

You will need to create and use other usernames and passwords to access the following library services:


Steps for Connecting to Library Resources from Off Campus


Step 1:  Go to the SU Library home page at


Step 2:  Accessing the library databases is a little different from accessing your email or Blackboard; there's no way to "log into the library website" until you are required to do so.  To force the databases to recognize you, you can either type a search in OneSearch, click the "Advanced search" link, or click on the name of any database:

Screenshot of library homepage with OneSearch (basic or advanced) options


Step 3:  Enter your Stevenson username and password, then click the Submit button.

Screenshot of remote access sign-in page


Step 4:  The database will now recognize that you're affiliated with Stevenson University, and you'll be able to search.


Having Trouble?

If you're having trouble accessing the library databases, follow these instructions for clearing your browser's cache: