Both black and white and color printing options are available at the Zaffere Library. To see the current printing costs, please check the OIT FAQ entry.
Our campus wide FollowYou printing system allows you to send your document to a device to a virtual machine. If you're on a campus computer, you can send the job from your application (Word, Adobe Reader, etc.) to the FollowYou printer. If you're using your own laptop or mobile device, you can log into Papercut to send the file. Once the document is ready to be picked up, you can go to any copier on campus to release and print your document.
All submitted jobs will expire ("Timed out waiting in hold/release queue") after 12 hours if not retrieved. There is no charge to your account for an expired print job.
Follow You allows printing from any campus computer to any campus copier.
If issue persists, please contact the Technology Support Center at x3000 or submit a ticket.
You can't install the FollowYou printer on your own laptop or mobile device, but you can use the WebPrint service to send a job to a virtual FollowYou printer.
The following file types are supported for WebPrint:
Microsoft Excel: xlam, xls, xlsb, xlsm, xlsx, xltm, xltx
Microsoft PowerPoint: pot, potm, potx, ppam, pps, ppsm, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx
Microsoft Word: doc, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx, rtf
PDF: pdf
Picture Files: bmp, dib, gif, jfif, jif, jpe, jpeg, jpg, png, tif, tiff
XPS: xps
For a copy of these instructions in .pdf format, download this file:
Is something is wrong with your print job or you need to request a refund, log into your Papercut account or view the OIT FAQ here.
Scanning is available free of charge at the Zaffere Library. Please note that currently, only the "quick" scan mode is available in the Library. You can only scan to your own email address or OneDrive account.
Both black and white and color printing options are available at the Zaffere Library. To see the current printing costs, please check the OIT FAQ entry.
If you would like assistance with printing, scanning, or copying, come to the front desk or call 443-352-4234.
If you're having a problem with your SU account, a refund, or your Papercut account, visit the Helpdesk ticketing system and/or FAQs.