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Finding Full Text

If you can't find the full text, here are a couple of things you can do next:

Publications icon

Find a Journal button on top bar in databases

Blue Find a Journal button


Use the Publications or Find a Journal link or button to search for the journal title (not the article title).  This tool only has one job:  to see if SU has access to a specific journal title in one or more of our databases.  If there is a link to the journal in the correct date range, click there and see if you can find it.  It's always good to double-check that we don't already have the full text somewhere else.


Google Scholar logo

Check Google Scholar to see if the full text is available somewhere online for free.  Articles are often accessible on publishers' websites, institutional repositories, and authors' websites.  If you set up your Library links section to include Stevenson University, or install the LibKey Nomad extension, you should be able to more easily find content that's available via SU.


Green AskUs talk bubble icon used for contacting a librarian
Our AskUs service is available at the top of the library website. You can email, text, or chat with a Stevenson librarian for help. Tell us what item you are looking for (be as precise as possible), and we'll try to help.

Request through interlibrary loan icon
The "Request through interlibrary loan" link generates a request for this item

If you're still unable to find the full text or a librarian confirms that it's unavailable, you can use interlibrary loan (ILL) to request it. There is no cost to the user. When you click the link, you will need to log in with your SU account. For more information about interlibrary loan, visit our FAQ page.