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Nursing Research

Why Cite Sources?

Why Cite Sources?

In academic writing, authors are expected to cite their sources for a variety of reasons:

  • It gives credit to the author(s) whose work you're using.
  • It allows readers to find more information on your topic if they're interested.
  • It demonstrates your integrity and your understanding of academic standards and requirements.

APA Style

APA Citation Resources

In this field, students usually cite in American Psychological Association (APA) style. The primary APA resource that all students should use is the APA guide that is required for their program.

The following APA guide is required for your program:

Traditional and Graduate

American Psychological Association. (2019). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.


American Psychological Association (2020). Concise guide to APA Style (7th ed.).

Copies of these guides are available in print in the library:


The library's APA citation guide is available here. We also have information about using NoodleTools and Zotero to help you keep track of your research and cite your sources.

The APA's website and blog have a great deal of information about the mechanics of citation:

Other Web Sites

More Citation Resources

More Citation Resources

For more resources on citing sources in different styles, visit the following guide:

Writing Resources

Writing Resources

For resources on writing papers and creating projects in this discipline, view the following:

Setting Up your Paper in APA Style

Setting Up your Paper in APA Style

Nursing APA Sample Paper

Nursing APA Sample Paper

These sample papers demonstrates how your paper should be formatted, organized, and written to meet course and APA style guidelines. The sample papers are in pdf format; your papers should be created and saved using Microsoft Word* unless otherwise specified or allowed by the instructor or course instructions.

*Note:  All students have free access to Office 365, which includes Microsoft Word.

Checklist for Paper Submission

Checklist for Paper Submission

This checklist was created by nursing faculty to ensure that you follow the steps to submit your best possible paper. It was created for students taking SUO nursing courses, but students in the traditional program may want to view it as well. Feel free to download a copy and use as a resource when writing a paper.

Getting Help

Getting Help

Nursing students have access to writing tutors who can assist with citation as well as the general organization of an academic paper.

Students taking on-campus classes can make an appointment with Academic Link writing tutors through the TutorTrac system.

Students taking online classes have access to Brainfuse, an online tutoring service.  The online tutors can review your writing or answer questions in a live session. You can access Brainfuse from your Blackboard course.  Find more information about Brainfuse by viewing their website.




SafeAssign is used in the majority of nursing classes when your work is submitted through the assignment link. This tool checks submitted assignments for originality against other submitted works in the Global Reference Database.

Click here to learn more about how SafeAssign works

When you submit your assignment it may take up to 24 hours for the originality report to be generated for your review. It is important that you understand how to review your SafeAssign Originality report and how to interpret the scores. Review the links below for detailed information.

Click here to learn how to review your originality report in the new layout

Click here to learn how to interpret your SafeAssign scores

Some instructors may have a suggested threshold for your SafeAssign score.  Check your syllabus or assignment instructions for more information.