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LibRA - Library Research Award

Information about the library research contest sponsored by the SU Library

The Library Research Award evaluation committee is chaired by Elizabeth Fields, Research & Instruction Librarian.  The committee rotates periodically in order to include representation by faculty from different Schools and departments.  Previous members of the evaluation committee include:



Elizabeth Fields, Library

Kelly Donovan, Library

Lee Krähenbühl, School of Design, Arts, and Communication

Chris Metzger, School of Design, Arts, and Communication

Valerie Valdez, School of Education



Elizabeth Fields, Library

Joel Pace, Library

Zamira Simkins, Brown School of Business and Leadership

Valerie Valdez, School of Education



Elizabeth Fields, Library

Ashley Kniss, School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Laurel Moody, Sandra R. Berman School of Nursing and Health Professions

Frank Stearns, Beverly K. Fine School of the Sciences



Elizabeth Fields, Library

Ora Freedman, Brown School of Business and Leadership

Ashley Kniss, School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Laurel Moody, Sandra R. Berman School of Nursing and Health Professions

Monibo Sam, Stevenson University Online



Elizabeth Fields, Library

Laurel Moody, Sandra R. Berman School of Nursing and Health Professions

Don Osborn, Library



Sue Bonsteel, Library

Elizabeth Fields, Library

Leslie Simpson, School of Design



Sue Bonsteel, Library

Dyer Bilgrave, School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Elizabeth Fields, Library

Sandy Marinaro, Library

Barbara Rowell, Brown School of Business and Leadership