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LibRA - Library Research Award

Information about the library research contest sponsored by the SU Library
  •     Participants must be students who took an undergraduate class at Stevenson University, either on-campus, hybrid, or online.
  •     Students may enter individually or in a group.  The group must be comprised entirely of eligible students.  If a group project is chosen as the winner, the monetary award will be divided evenly among all creators.
  •     Only one submission is permitted per person per year, whether individually or part of a group.
  •     A copy of the final project, or an accurate representation of the final project, must be submitted electronically.
  •     The submission must include an accompanying essay of approximately 500 words.

In addition, winners must sign an Image/Photo/Video Release Form, giving permission for Stevenson University to use their image(s)/photo(s)/video(s) for promotional purposes and hold SU harmless from any liability associated with its use. Winners agree that their work or excerpts thereof may be used in publicity materials for the SU Library or the University.

The winning project(s) are archived in the Stevenson Scholar Exchange.