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Faculty Services

Library Instruction and Support

Your librarian can provide instruction on any research- or library-related topic.  Our goal is to help students develop the skills they need to find information, decide if it's appropriate, and incorporate it into their academic projects.  Ultimately, these skills lead to students becoming better researchers and being successful in their academic career and beyond.

Instruction librarians create lessons to support your needs for classes that meet regularly throughout the semester.  Lessons can cover: 

  • Basic information literacy skills 
  • How to use the library and its resources
  • How to do research using library and online resources for a specific assignment

We also provide instruction for specific kinds of sessions:

Instruction librarians can deliver instruction in many formats:

  • In-person or synchronous session
  • Virtual tutorial, lesson, or activity that can be used asynchronously
  • Course or subject guide that covers how to do research
  • One-on-one session


Requesting Instruction and Support

To request an in-person or synchronous session, fill out our Library Instruction Request Form.  This form includes requests for regular instruction sessions, Don't Cancel Class sessions, and First-Year Seminar sessions.

To request a research guide that will help your students with your particular course or assignment, contact your liaison librarian.


Instruction Feedback

If you scheduled an instruction session during the semester, you'll receive an email from the librarian in the last week or two of classes with a link to our Library Instruction Faculty Feedback Form.  We welcome feedback and suggestions for future sections of your course.  If you'd rather not wait until the end of the semester, feel free to fill out the form at any time.