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Academic Integrity: Just for Faculty

This guide provides an overview of Academic Integrity policies and resources at SU.

If you see misconduct, report it!

It is extremely important for instructors to report any and all academic integrity violations that they discover in their courses. The Office of Academic Integrity maintains a database of violations, and it is important to have accurate data regarding violations so the University can track trends as well as ensure that students receive appropriate sanctions. The newly updated Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct policies are linked below, and the forms for reporting academic misconduct can be found on the Academic Affairs portal site. Any questions regarding the policies or the reporting process can be directed to Tess Gillis, the Academic Integrity Officer.  

Be clear and specific!

It is extremely important for instructors to provide their students with clear and specific instructions for every assignment, as well as information on guidelines and policies relating to classroom rules and expectations. Clearly outlining policies and expectations on the course syllabus will help the students avoid unintentional academic integrity violations, and will provide the instructor with hard evidence of policies in case of a violation. Types of policies and expectations to include may involve citation style, amount of collaboration allowed for assignments, level of peer review or assistance allowed for assignments, and what materials (if any) students are allowed to have during tests or exams.  

Teaching Resources

Help reduce academic misconduct by educating your students about the types of violations and how to avoid them. Plagiarism especially is often committed unintentionally, by students who lack paraphrasing and citation skills. Teaching your students how to paraphrase and cite sources properly can go a long way towards reducing academic misconduct. Below are some resources that can be used to teach students skills that will help them avoid academic integrity violations.

Additionally, the SU Library hosts periodic citation workshops for students to provide overviews of the different citation styles and provide individual help with assignments. Encourage your students to attend these workshops!

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