Students often violate academic integrity unintentionally because they don't understand some of the behaviors that constitute misconduct, such as submitting the same paper in more than one course. Additionally, some of the violations listed here can be avoided if the student obtains the permission of the instructor(s) involved. If you are ever unsure about whether something constitutes a violation - such as having a friend review your paper - just ask your instructor what he or she allows.
When in doubt, ask your instructor!
The following definitions, taken from the Stevenson University Policy Manual: Volume V, represent some of the main forms of academic misconduct, but the list is not all-inclusive.
Cheating. Cheating means any behavior that attempts to undermine an instructor's efforts to assess learning. Using or creating unauthorized materials or methods to complete a test, quiz, examination, assignment, or other assessment is cheating. Giving unauthorized assistance to other students also constitutes cheating.
Collusion. Collusion occurs when two or more students conspire to subvert the learning process, particularly with regard to the instructor's efforts to assess learning outcomes. Collusion, as opposed to authorized collaboration, creates unfair advantage for those engaged in the behavior.
Fabrication. Fabrication is understood to mean the presentation of false data, sources, or research for academic credit.
Multiple Submissions. The presentation of the same work, in whole or in part, for credit in more than one course without the explicit permission of all interested instructors represents a violation of academic integrity.
Plagiarism. Plagiarism is the act of representing the words, ideas, research, or works of another as one's own. Plagiarism can involve submitting work prepared entirely or in part by another person or commercial service or borrowing material as direct quotation, partial quotation, or paraphrase from published or unpublished sources without proper acknowledgment. Students must appropriately document all print, online, and oral sources they use to complete assignments.
Unauthorized Assistance. Unauthorized assistance is understood to mean accepting the help of another person in completing an assignment for assessment without the instructor's express permission. Allowing another person, such as a tutor, to alter or revise an assignment beyond the scope of collaboration defined by the instructor also constitutes misconduct.
Other Violations. There are many other examples of behaviors that constitute academic misconduct or violations of academic integrity. They include, but are not limited to, lying, forgery, bribery, damaging or stealing another's academic property, and violation of professional standards.
Stevenson University Policy Manual: Volume V. (2014). Retrieved from
To view the Academic Misconduct Policy in the Stevenson University Policy Manual, follow the link below.