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Helpful tips when using OneSearch


Adding Items

Any item found in OneSearch can be added to or removed from a folder. Depending on the screen you are on, you may see different icons:

Accessing the Folder

The folder is always accessible from the green menu bar at the top of the screen. Items you add to the folder will be lost when you leave OneSearch unless you are signed in.

Saving Folder Contents

Creating an Account

Once you click "Sign In" you need to create a new account if you don't already have one.

Follow the instructions to create the account. Be sure to choose a security question and answer so you can retrieve your user name or password if you forget them.

Please note: This is NOT tied to your SU network account.

Once you have an account and are signed in, every item you put into your folder will be saved unless you choose to remove it.

Your folder can be accessed from any EBSCO database, such as CINAHL or PsycInfo.