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Creating Links for Remote Access: START HERE!

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Linking to resources in the library databases is a great way to share content, but it can sometimes be a challenge to find or build a functioning URL. The purpose of this guide is to make it easier to find a stable URL and, if necessary, modify it.

If you've ever linked to the databases from off campus, you were probably prompted to enter your username and password.  That prompt is generated by the proxy server, which is a sort of gatekeeper for the library's subscription resources.  There are some exceptions, but most of the time a URL that successfully links to the databases both on and off campus will begin

Sometimes the database vendor includes the proxy server prefix in the stable URL they provide. If you find that the stable url already begins with , you do not need to add the proxy prefix a second time. In other cases, you will have to add it yourself.  If modification is necessary, it's usually easier to paste the stable URL into a Word document, add the proxy prefix, create the hyperlink, and then copy and paste the modified URL.

Who's the vendor?

Many databases include an unchanging URL for each article or image in the database.  The location and name given to this URL depends primarly on the database vendor. Some of the names may include Permalink, Bookmark, Stable URL or Static URL. The important quality they all share is that the URL can be relied upon to link back to the article or search.  

If the database you're trying to link to is listed below, go to the EBSCO or ProQuest tabs for further instructions. 
If not, hover over the appropriate alphabetical tab and select your database by title. 

Database not in the guide?  Please contact us.


Vendor Databases
EBSCO Academic Search Complete
AHFS Consumer Medication Information
America: History & Life
Business Source Complete
CINAHL Plus with Full Text
Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text
eBook Academic Collection
eBook Business Collection
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
eBook History Collection
Education Source
Health Source - Consumer Edition
Health Source - Nursing/Academic Edition
History Reference Center
LISTA: Library, Information Science & Technolgoy Abstracts
MAS Ultra-School Edition
Medline with Full Text
Military & Government Collection
Modern Language Association (MLA) International Bibliography
Regional Business News
SocINDEX with Full Text
ProQuest Baltimore Sun
Baltimore Sun (Historical)
New York Times
Newspapers (ProQuest)
The Vogue Archive
Wall Street Journal
Women's Wear Daily Archive

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