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ED 362: Methods of Teaching English Language Arts: Middle School

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Topic/Research Question: 

How can technology improve language acquisition among high school ESOL students.

TECHNOLOGY: software, apps

LANGUAGE ACQUISITION: reading, speaking

HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: teenagers, teens

ESOL:  English-language learners

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

This is a useful tool to get articles (or books, DVDs, etc.) that the SU Library does not own.  You already have an account which you can access using your SU username and password - like you use when accessing BlackBoard.  

How does this work?  When you make a request for an article, the SU Library sends that request to other libraries in the United States.  One of those libraries that owns the article will "fill" or send a copy of that article to the SU Library in PDF format.  You will get an email to check your Interlibrary Loan account for the file.  You log in and retrieve the PDF.  You can download or print the article from the PDF, or you can just view it from your Interlibrary Loan account.  

Interlibrary Loan FAQ