For this assignment you will need to conduct legal research. There are three main types of documents you will be looking for:
Much of this material can be found free on the internet. The Free and Low Cost Legal Research Guide from Georgetown University has links to dozens of sources of primary law.
The term project must include a review of the relevant case law. You may have already come across a few relevant citations and once you have a citation, you can use it to find other cases.
A legal citation looks like this:
United States v. Milken, 759 F. Supp. 109 (S.D.N.Y. 1990)
and tells you the name of the case and where it can be found. If you enter the case name in Nexus Uni, you can read the case with hot links to the statutes and cases mentioned in the opinion and also "shepardize" the case which will not only tell you if there were subsequent appeals of the case, but also direct you to related case law and law review articles.