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FSLAW 668: White Collar Crimes: Home

Welcome to FSLAW 668

As you begin your study of white collar crime, we invite you to explore the resources available through the library.  Using databases in criminal justice, business, law, even psychology will give you multiple perspectives on this interdisciplinary area of study. SU Librarians can help you with topic selection, finding and evaluating sources and citation. Use the chat box on the right side of the page to connect with an SU Librarian!

Journal Articles

Articles from academic and professional journals as well as law reviews are written by specialists and experts in the field. You can limit your search for these types of articles in OneSearch by choosing Scholarly Journals under "Limit To" in the left margin. 

Choosing Search Terms

Using OneSearch

Use the OneSearch searchbox below to retrieve articles, books and media on white collar crime. After conducting your search, you can limit the results by source type (for example, "ebooks") in the left margin. Ebooks contain high-quality, in-depth information and a good chapter or two from an ebook can greatly enhance your work

Another way to find ebooks is to search in individual ebook collections. Specify the area of white collar crime you are researching, i.e., financial fraud or computer crime. FORENSICnetBaseEBSCO ebooks and Proquest Ebook Central are large ebook collections with lots of content relevant to this course.

Sample Ebooks