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Infographics: Inspiration

This guide can help you plan and design effective infographics to use for school, work or play.

The Good

You can find lots of infographic inspiration all over the web. Pinterest is a great tool for curating a collection of some of your favorites. here are just a notable few that stand out.

The Bad

Infographics fail to be effective when they slip on design or research. Here are some examples of common mistakes to avoid.

Visual Overload

This infographic might be full of amazing info but the viewer has to work too hard to get to it. Not only is there too much data presented, the color palette is very distracting. 

Do the Math

This one looks promising but look closer and you will notice the percentages don't add up. Be careful to check your work and maintain credibility.

Inaccurate Scale

The point of data visualization is to present complex information in an easy way. This infographic looked good but didn't consider scale in its design.