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IS365 Writing for IS Applications: Research Overview

Steps in the Research Process

1) Identify your topic, writing it in the form of a question or a simple statement.

2) Develop search strategy, refining it as you research.

3) Select appropriate databases to use.

4) Review your sources.

5) Write the paper, using the style manual your instructor recommends.


You work for a beer and wine import/export company.  Your boss wants you to explore the potential of importing and exporting beer and wine in South American markets.  For this assignment, you need to better understand the beer and wine industry in South America specifically Brazil, Chile and Argentina.  You must produce a report for your supervisor which outlines the beer and wine markets along with the best way to do business in the country.  For this report you should produce a profile of each of the three countries which includes trade agreement information, import/export information and any barriers to trade along with the potential for sales for your company in each country.

Research is Like Cooking

By Chris Bourg, Stanford University Library