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Library Policies: Flyers and Posting

Flyer and Posting policy

Stevenson University-affiliated individuals and organizations are permitted to post/leave flyers and other marketing material for campus-related activities and events. The Zaffere Library currently has a bulletin board and a handout stand near the printer/scanner/copier where flyers can be left without the need to ask special permission.  Flyers left on tables, counters, and other library furniture or spaces will be discarded.

Flyers for individual events should have the date of the event and may be removed by library staff at any time after the event is over. Flyers for ongoing events or events with no specific date (such as "every Friday of the month") will be removed by library staff after the end of the semester.

If you wish to advertise on library-owned marketing spots, such as social media, please speak to a librarian.

Individuals and organizations who are not affiliated with Stevenson University are not permitted to post marketing material, and such items will be removed without notice.