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Education Research

This Research Guide covers the discipline of Education.

Browsing the Shelves

If you are looking for a book on an educational subject, the call number will begin with the letter "L", which is part of the Library of Congress classification system. Here are some useful call numbers:

LB1025 - 1050.75 Teaching (Principles & Practice)

LB1139.2 - 1139.5 Early Childhood Education

LB1555 - 1602 Elementary Education

LB1603 - 1696.6 Middle School Education


LB2366 - 2367.5 PRAXIS (General)

LB3011 - LB3095 School Management & Discipline

LC1099 - LC1099.5 Multicultural Education

LC3950 - 4806.5 Exceptional children & youth. (Gifted, Special Education, Learning Disabled)

Selected Reference Books

Reference books are useful for topic overviews and definitions of educational concepts. A very good, fairly recent article from a specialized encyclopedia like those listed here, and online, can help you to determine how your subject has changed over time, and how narrow or broad it is. You can also use the bibliographies at the conclusion of each article to locate proven recommended additional sources for your research. Just below are a few excellent encyclopedias relevant to the field of Education, in print and online.

Encyclopedia of Education "offers a complete view of the institutions, people, processes, roles, and philosophies in educational practice in the United States and throughout the world. Features biographies of influential educators; profiles of historic colleges and universities and of organizations active in the field; and an appendix of full text source documents, including education related legislation, international treaties, and testing methods. 8 volumes" (from GVRL database description).

Learning Theories A-Z is "a substantive dictionary of over 500 terms relating to learning theories and environments. Definitions range from approximately 100 to 700 words, and each term is identified by the primary type of learning theory to which it applies: cognitivism, constructivism, behaviorism, humanism, or organizational learning. An annotated bibliography provides further resources to the most important writings about learning theories." (from publisher's blurb).  In print at the Zaffere Library with the call number REF LB15.L4695 2002.

Finding Books

You can search the Library Catalog to find books owned by Stevenson University. You'll find both print and online works.

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Electronic Books

Another way to find E-books is to search the databases listed below.