All of these business magazines have an online presence and are included in library databases. There will be times that you cannot get full text content from the website. Use the library to get to the full text of an article you're interested in using.
A comprehensive, full text database covering all areas of business research. Includes detailed company information, industry reports, market research, and SWOT analyses.
This database includes all types of business information sources:
This database contains business news sources, trade and professional magazines, and academic journals focused on business.
Finding Articles
Search BSC using keywords that describe your topic.
Example: Your topic is "How can organizations effectively manage and/or prevent bullying in the workplace?" You might use the keywords: (prevent AND bullying AND workplace) or you could use (workplace bullying AND management) or another combination of keywords.
The search screen allows you to put keywords in separate boxes to build your search. This makes it easy to see what you are searching and to change to different keywords if one is not working as expected.
Filters located in the results screen can help you focus your results. Users like the Source Type filter that allows you to see only news items or only academic articles with the click of a box.
Finding Company and Industry Profiles from MarketLine
MarketLine Company and Industry Profiles are helpful when you need to find out information about a company or an industry. The following searches will help you find MarketLine reports.
Company Profile
(your company name) AND marketline
example: Pepsico AND marketline (note that the search boxes are not case sensitive)
Industry Profile
(industry name) AND marketline industry profile (it is very important to use marketline industry profile or you will get companies in your results)
example: apparel AND marketline industry profile
Special Note: MarketLine provides industry profiles for the Global industry and for the industry in different countries. If you want to explore an industry in a specific country, you can add the country name as a keyword.
example: apparel AND marketline industry profile AND united states