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BIO 235 Diversity of Life - Ethics of Dissection: Do Your Background Reading

The assignment

This assignment will look at the ethics of include dissection as a component in biology courses.  There will be one reading assigned to you, and then you'll need to find some additional sources that argue for both sides of the topic.  For the third part of the project, you'll make a short video summarizing your research and arguing either for or against dissection in a college-level classroom.


To start, read this article on Animal Dissection from the Issues & Controversies database.  Issues & Controversies is helpful for questions like this because it presents non-scholarly research on both sides of many current and controversial topics.

The Issues & Controversies lists some of the arguments around animal dissection, which can be a good jumping-off point for your own search.  However, these are not the only arguments on the topic.  If you have a different reason for being for or against it, you are welcome to look for articles in support of your viewpoint.


Your instructor will host a discussion in class or on Blackboard, where you'll be able to share your initial opinion on animal dissection and discuss the arguments that were presented on Issues and & Controversies.

Next Step

Once you've read the Issues & Controversies article and discussed it in class, you're ready to move on to finding your own sources on the topic of animal dissection.