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OverDrive at Stevenson University Library: Home

Instructions for accessing the OverDrive digital library, as well as FAQs

How to use OverDrive @ SU Library

Instructions for accessing and using OverDrive: 

  • Visit or find it in our list of databases 

  • Sign in using your Stevenson University single sign-on 

  • You can browse Just added titles, by Subject, or under Collections 

  • If there is a specific title you are looking for, use the Search or Advanced Search options 

  • To borrow a title, click on Borrow 

  • The default loan period is 21 days but can be changed by using the drop-down menu 

  • After borrowing a book, you can access it by visiting Loans, accessible by clicking the three books icon, or under the My Account drop-down menu 

  • Users are permitted to check out 3 titles at a time 

  • If the book that you wish to read is unavailable, you can join the wait list by selecting Place a Hold and filling in your Stevenson University email. You will receive an email when the title is available for you to check out  

  • If you finish reading your book before the end of the loan period, please return it. You can do this by going to My account, selecting Return, and confirming that you want to return the title.  

How do I read my book once I’ve checked it out? 

  • Kindle: Select Read now with Kindle and the book will be downloaded to your Kindle account 

  • Libby: The Libby app is the mobile platform for the OverDrive virtual library. You can download it for free to your Apple or Android phone from the app store. 

    • The first time you use Libby to read a book you have checked out from SU Library’s OverDrive, you will need to connect Libby to your Stevenson University Library OverDrive account. 

    • First, add us as a library by selecting Add A Library under the app’s settings. Type Stevenson into the search box and we will appear below.

    • After you’ve added us, you’ll need to connect your account. Select See Library Cards under the app’s settings. Select Add Another Card followed by Enter Library Account Details. Your username and password are your Stevenson University single sign-on.

    • Once you’ve added your card, your book will appear on your Shelf where you will have the option to read it in the app or on your Kindle device or the Kindle app.  

  • If you would like to read the book in your internet browser without having to download the book, select Having trouble?, followed by Read now in browser 

  • I can’t find the download epub option; ask christina 

How can I read a title that Stevenson University Library doesn’t own in OverDrive? 

  • To make a request, search for the title that you would like to read. If you don’t see the title, scroll down to Didn’t find what you’re looking for?, select Recommend, and put in your Stevenson email.  

  • If we purchase the title you have requested, you will be automatically placed at the top of the waitlist and notified when the title is available for you to check out. Most titles will be available within 24 hours. 


Do I need to own a Kindle (or have a Kindle account with Amazon) or other eReader devices to check out and read books from OverDrive? 

  • You do not. You can download the Libby app for free from your phone’s app store and sign in with your Stevenson University single sign-on.  

  • You can read your book in your internet browser without having to download anything. 


Are audiobooks available for check out?  

  • Not at this time. 


Can I renew eBooks that I have checked out? 

  • Titles will automatically be returned and removed from your account at the end of the lending period.  

  • If you would like to extend your lending period, you can do so from your account. The option to renew will be available three days before the loan period ends as long as there aren’t other patrons on a waiting list for the title.  

  • eBooks cannot be renewed after they have been returned. However you can check them out again.  


I noticed you don’t have very many titles available in OverDrive. Will you be adding more soon? 

  • Absolutely! OverDrive is new to Stevenson University Library and we are still adding new titles. If there is a book you would like to check out that we don’t have access to yet, please Recommend (see instructions above) and we will more than likely purchase it for you. Most requested titles are available within 24 hours.  


Are there rules about what types of books I can request? Can they be fiction? Or only academic titles? 

  • We love all sorts of books and we want to fill our virtual shelves with books that our users will enjoy reading!  


I still have questions! Who can I contact for help?

  • For questions about OverDrive, visit our AskUs! portal by clicking here. 
