SU Library's OneSearch
OneSearch can be a good place to start your research. You may even be able to do all of your research here. This tool includes magazines, newspapers, academic journals, ebooks, and more. When you use OneSearch remember that it is searching a broad range of databases that are not all related to Cybersecurity. These can make your OneSearch research more effective:
SU Library Databases Best Bets
These databases focus on areas of importance in cybersecurity and digital forensics. You will likely return to these databases over and over again when completing research assignments. Note how these databases look and work differently from OneSearch or other databases you may have used. Take some time to get familiar with these databases and understand how they work and all of the information they provide about publishing, citing, and author credentials.
Includes the full text of ACM's online journals, magazines and conference proceedings focused on computing and information technology.
Search for scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources. Many items available via links to full text.
Online Resources
These sites are a wealth of information, and they are free to access and use.