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ED 606: Socio-political and Cultural Influences on Families, Organizations, and Communities: Home

The SU Library's OneSearch tool allows you to access multiple journal and ebook databases at one time.  Note that you need to think carefully about your search terms when using this tool as many disciplines can use the same terminology while having different definitions depending on the discipline.

Advanced Search

Current Events in Education

The sites below are carefully selected to provide you with education news from reputable and credible sources.

Library Databases

Databases are indexes for scholarly articles and other types of information. They are a great place to start your research on a topic. This list of databases includes subject specific (psychology and education) and multidisciplinary databases to use in your research. Try completing keyword searches for your topic in different databases to see the breadth of information and perspectives published on your topic. 

If you want a more general place to start your searching, you can always try OneSearch (our library's discovery tool) located on the library homepage. 

Interlibrary Loan

Can't find an article or book you need in our collection?

Interlibrary Loan is the answer!  This is a free service provided by the SU Library that allows you to request access to articles or books we don't have in our own collection. Articles and book chapters will be sent to you electronically as a PDF.  

You already have an Interlibrary Loan account.  Just use your SU credentials to sign in and make a request.
