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Recognize the Value of Information

Recognize the Value of Information

Prove It!  A Citation Scavenger Hunt
Students learn about the format and purpose of citations by identifying evidence to prove statements.  Through discussion and reflection, students gain a deeper understanding of the purpose of citing sources.
Citation Generators:  Can You Trust Them?
Students often depend on citation generators provided by databases, library discovery tools, and websites when tasked with correctly formatting their references. However, these generators often make mistakes that students don’t notice. This activity will help students to look critically at the citations provided by citation generators and to find the mistakes. 
Source Notes
Students write to communicate and their writing, when citing sources, must communicate what they understand of others’ writings. By asking students to write with the purpose of summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting a selected article to their classmate, they will experience what you experience when you read their writing. They will understand the purpose and mechanics of using sources in their writing.