- The title spans the entire width of the poster.
- Sometimes the institution's seal is used on either side of the title.
Names of authors, co-authors, and their institution(s)
- This section also spans the entire width of the poster.
- Authors should be listed in the appropriate order, with the lead author first.
- The names of their institutions and the addresses go below.
- Stevenson University – School of Nursing and Health Professions should be somewhere in the title or name section.
- If you turned in a written project that included an abstract, you can reproduce it verbatim here. If not, you will need to write a short abstract in the same format as you would for a paper.
- Here is where your poster starts to go into a three-column layout. Each of these sections may be outlined by a box, or you may choose to use a consistent background color.
- Your introduction should be brief and outline the background of your research.
Objective, aim, or purpose
- This section describes the goal of your research.
Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclulsions
- Be clear but concise.
- Be picky about what the data you display. You can't include every table and graph, or they won't be readable. Pick a few of the clearest or most important. Remember that you'll have time to discuss your findings with your audience.
- Your references should be listed in the appropriate format, exactly as they would for a paper or other written report.
- You may have an acknowledgments section where you thank your co-researchers, mentors, professors, family, friends, funders, or more. If you received external funding, your department may have standard wording that they'll ask you to use.
Contact Information
- Your poster should include your name and email address.