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Primary and Secondary Sources in the Sciences

Learn to recognize and identify research and review articles in the sciences

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The following three pairs each contain one secondary source (review) and one primary source (original research) that was cited in the corresponding secondary source. Can you correctly identify each of these as a primary or secondary source?

Pair 1 
Farooq, U., Kozinski, J. A., Khan, M. A., & Athar, M. (2010). Biosorption of heavy metal ions using wheat based biosorbents – A review of the recent literature. Bioresource Technology, 101(14), 5043–5053.
Nouri, L., & Hamdaoui, O. (2007). Ultrasonication-assisted sorption of cadmium from aqueous phase by wheat bran. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 111(34), 8456–8463.

Highlight for answer:  The article by Farooq et al. is the secondary source; the article by Nouri and Hamdaoui is the primary source.  A good way to tell in this pair is the word "review" in the title of the first article.


Pair 2
Jenkins, M. J., Page, W. G., Hebertson, E. G., & Alexander, M. E. (2012). Fuels and fire behavior dynamics in bark beetle-attacked forests in Western North America and implications for fire management. Forest Ecology and Management, 275, 23–34.

Jolly, W. M., Parsons, R. A., Hadlow, A. M., Cohn, G. M., McAllister, S. S., Popp, J. B., … Negron, J. F. (2012). Relationships between moisture, chemistry, and ignition of Pinus contorta needles during the early stages of mountain pine beetle attack. Forest Ecology and Management, 269, 52–59.

Highlight for answer:  The article by Jenkins et al. is the secondary source; the article by Jolly et al. is the primary source.  A good way to tell in this pair is the word "review" in the ScienceDirect database, above the title of the first article.


Pair 3
Mazzoccoli, G., Tevy, M. F., Borghesan, M., Vergini, M. R. D., & Vinciguerra, M. (2014). Caloric restriction and aging stem cells: The stick and the carrot? Experimental Gerontology, 50, 137–148.
Mulligan, J., Schmuck, E., Ertel, R., Brellenthin, A., Bauwens, J., & Saupe, K. (2011). Caloric restriction does not alter effects of aging in cardiac side population cells. Age, 33(3), 351–361.
Highlight for answer:  The article by Mazzoccoli et al. is the secondary source; the article by Mulligan et al. is the primary source.  A good way to tell in this pair is the word "review" in the ScienceDirect database, above the title of the first article.