In academic writing, authors are expected to cite their sources for a variety of reasons:
In this field, students usually cite in American Psychological Association (APA) style. The library has many resources for citation.
Copies of the print Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition are available in the library:
The library's APA citation guide is available here. We also have information about using NoodleTools and Zotero to help you keep track of your research and cite your sources.
The APA's website and blog have a great deal of information about the mechanics of citation:
In this field, students usually cite in the Bluebook style. The library has resources for citation.
A copy of the print Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, 21st edition is available in the library:
The library's Bluebook citation guide is available here. We also have information about using Zotero to help you keep track of your research and cite your sources.
The Bluebook's website offers a quick guide:
For more resources on citing sources in different styles, visit the following guide:
For resources on writing papers and creating projects in this discipline, view the following: