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Business Research

Why Use Web Sources?

Why Use Web and Popular Sources?

There is a huge amount of information available for free on the internet, some of which can be very helpful for academic research. Websites, documents, reports, blogs, forums, videos, and more can be published and updated more quickly and frequently than article or book. In addition, anyone can create and publish content online, which gives a voice to opinions and ideas that may be not be published in a journal or book.

Discipline Websites

US Government Sites

These websites provide resources and information for your field of study:

Professional Organization Websites

Trade Associations

You can find valuable industry specific information from Trade Associations.  A list of examples of US associations is provided below.  You may need to identify the specific association for the industry you are studying.

Annual Reports

Annual Reports

Finding a Corporate Website

Finding a Corporate Website

Find information about a company and how it is run on its corporate website.  Here are a couple tips:

1) In a web search engine type in your company name and corporate. (ex., Walmart corporate)

2) Go to a retail page for a company and look at the bottom of the main page for "About Us" or "Investor Relations"

3) For international companies you might search on "group" or "global", as well.