Comprehensive database covering foreign and domestic businesses. Includes business overviews, competitor information, financial statements, and industry reports.
First Research Reports can now be found in D&B Hoovers under the "Search & Build a List" menu by clicking on "Research & Reports." From the Research and Reports page, chose the Report Type of "First Research Report." Please contact the library with any questions.
D&B Hoovers provides comprehensive company profiles for US and international companies. These profiles include:
How does it work?
This database looks different from other databases. Most users find it easiest to search on a company name or company stock ticker symbol when getting information from D&B Hoovers.
The main search box is located in the top right of the database page. If you start typing in a company name, you will see a pick list appear. If you find your company in the pick list, click on the link.
You can also put in a company name and hit enter to get a list of companies. Then you just select your company from the list provided.
IMPORTANT NOTE: D&B Hoovers provides profiles on parent companies and subsidiaries. Sometimes the parent company and the subsidiary company have the same name. You want to find the parent company in most cases, so look carefully when selecting a company. Pulling up the full list of companies is helpful in identifying parent companies and subsidiaries.