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OER for Students

Tips for Talking to a Professor

As a student, another way to use OER is to ask your professor to use it in your course. It's probably too late for them to do anything about it this semester, but if they know that there's a "want" for it, they'll be more likely to implement it in the future. 
Here are a few tips for bringing up the topic with your professor:

  • Learn on your own first
    • Take a look at our OER Basics flyer, which will give you some information on OER.
  • Meet with your professor individually after class, during office hours, or in a 1:1 meeting
    • A face-to-face meeting is often quicker, more memorable, and can reduce miscommunications.
    • Don't pressure your instructor to continue with a conversation after class if they need to leave.  Ask if you can set up a meeting, or go to their office hours.
    • If you're nervous about talking to your professor or if can't find time to meet with them in person, send an email instead.
  • Be professional and respectful when asking your professor to implement OER
    • All professors want what's best for their course and their students, but it's important to remember that they are not required to use OER. Let your professor know that this conversation is a request, not a demand.
  • Know that "free" does not always equal OER
    • Most professors will do just about anything to help a student, but they should know that this isn't only about the out-of-pocket cost of textbooks.  If your professor offers to photocopy materials for you or give you a free copy of your required textbook, you can thank them but say that OER offers more options than just free books.
  • Help your professor find more information

If your professor hears you out but says they can't switch to OER right now, that's okay!  You've helped by putting the topic on their radar and letting them know that students are interested.